Our programs impact lives and communities.

Healing Circle Schedule

Our experiences dictate how we see life...
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Has stress left you without a voice?
You are not alone.

Carry the Vision offers weekly Healing Circles, a place where your voice can be heard and a place where you matter.

🌀 Men’s Healing Circles

Day: Wednesday evenings (except holidays)

Time: 5:00pm-6:00pm

The Neon Exchange

7363 Monterey Road, Gilroy CA 95020

Currently open for new circle participants.

Day: Monday (except holidays)

Time: 6-7pm

The Neon Exchange

7363 Monterey Road, Gilroy CA 95020

Want to learn more about these healing circles? Please contact Mark Ashford at ashford@carrythevision.org.

🌀 Women’s Leadership

Community Connection and Conversations

Join us for a relaxed and fun gathering where we will focus on connection, laughter and unity.

We will practice affirmations, identifying and building internal strengths, and goal setting. Reframing negative stereotypes and judgements.

We will explore opportunities to independently and collectively represent our needs and goals to ourselves, our families and our community and leaders.

Day: Mondays (except holidays)

Time: 10:00am-12:00pm

7363 Monterey Road, Gilroy CA

Day: Tuesdays (No Class March 4, 2025. No circle on holidays.)

Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm

7363 Monterey Road, Gilroy CA

For questions please contact Vanessa Ashford (408)840-3305 vanessa@carrythevision.org.

Please check our website frequently for updates on class dates/times.