Our programs impact lives and communities.
Carry the Vision has grown to include Rooted, a social enterprise program offering reuse and recycling services for clothing and other household items. We specialize in the essential yet often overlooked work of healing and transformation for ourselves, community, and earth. Rooted provides a vital training ground for people to transcend their pasts of incarceration and become valuable, empowered, business leaders in South Santa Clara County.
With our commitment to social responsibility, you can trust that we will process each item to optimize the highest reuse and recycling outcomes.
Items that we can accept:
Clothing, shoes, belts, hats, blankets, household items such as lamps, kitchenware, tools, toys, and working electronics such as TV, microwave, blenders, printers, laptops,
Items that we cannot accept:
Furniture, beds, pillows, large appliances, batteries, or junk.
Pickup service is now available in Gilroy!
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
See below for your pickup day.
If you live within the yellow highlighted neighborhoods in Gilroy, please fill out the form below the map by 12pm the day before so that our Rooted team can pick up your items from your front porch between 9am - 5pm on your pickup day. Please have your items out by 9am. Thank you for your support!
Wednesdays - Pickup in Northwest Gilroy
(Pickup Area 1)
Tuesdays - Pickup in Gilroy (Except Northwest)
(Pickup Area 2)
For more information contact Mark Ashford at ashford@carrythevision.org. (669) 219-3137